How To Design a Wallpaper For Your Home Walls

Wallpaper can transform your room’s atmosphere and express your unique style. Whether you want to create a bold statement or add subtle texture, designing your custom wallpaper can be a fun and satisfying process. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to design a wallpaper that perfectly complements your home interiors.

Step 1: Assess Your Space and Style

how to design a wallpaper (5)

Before starting the design process, take a step back and evaluate your space and personal style preferences. By doing so, you will ensure that your wallpaper design harmonizes with your room’s purpose and existing decor.

Evaluate the Room’s Purpose and Mood

Consider the primary function of the room where you plan to install the wallpaper. Is it a space for relaxation, like a bedroom or living room? Or is it a high-energy area, such as a home office or playroom? The room’s purpose will influence the overall mood you want to create with your wallpaper design.

Consider Existing Furniture and Home Decor

Take note of the existing furniture, artwork, and decorative elements in the room. Your wallpaper design should complement these pieces rather than clash with them. Pay attention to the dominant colors, patterns, and styles already present in the space.

Determine Your Personal Style Preferences

Reflect on your personal style and the aesthetic you want to achieve in the room. Do you gravitate towards bold, vibrant patterns or more subtle, understated wallpaper templates? Are you drawn to traditional, modern, or eclectic styles? Identify your preferences if you want to create wallpapers that reflect your unique taste.

Step 2: Choose a Theme or Concept


With a clear understanding of your space and style, it’s time to choose a theme or concept for your wallpaper design. The design concept will be the foundation for your color, pattern, and material selections.

Explore Popular Wallpaper Themes

Research popular wallpaper themes to find inspiration for your design. Some common themes include:

  • Nature-inspired: Floral, botanical, or landscape patterns
  • Geometric: Clean lines, shapes, and repeating patterns
  • Abstract: Free-form, artistic designs and color combinations

Consider which themes resonate with your style and the room’s intended atmosphere.

Create a Custom Theme

If you have a specific interest or hobby, you might want to create your own custom wallpaper pattern for your wallpaper. For example, if you’re a music lover, you could incorporate musical notes, instruments, or lyrics into your design. A custom theme adds a personal touch and makes your wallpaper genuinely one-of-a-kind.

Make Sure the Theme Complements Your Room

As you explore theme options, keep your room’s purpose and existing decor in mind. The theme you choose should enhance the overall atmosphere and style of the space. A cohesive design will create a harmonious and inviting environment.

Step 3: Select Colors and Patterns


Color and pattern contribute to the overall impact of your wallpaper design. You can create a cohesive and visually appealing space by carefully selecting hues and motifs that complement your theme and room.

Color Psychology and Its Impact on Room Atmosphere

Different colors evoke various emotions and can greatly influence a room’s atmosphere.

For example:

  • Blue: Calming, serene, and promotes relaxation
  • Yellow: Energizing, cheerful, and stimulates creativity
  • Green: Balanced, refreshing, and connects with nature
  • Red: Bold, passionate, and increases energy levels

Consider the psychological effects of color when making your selections to ensure they align with the desired mood of your space.

Match Colors with Your Theme and Existing Decor

Choose colors that complement your chosen theme and existing decor. Consider incorporating greens, blues, and earthy tones if your theme is nature-inspired. For a geometric theme, you might go for bold, contrasting colors or a monochromatic scheme. Ensure that the selected colors harmonize with the room’s existing furniture and accessories.

Choose Your Own Wallpaper Patterns That Work Well with Your Space

Patterns add visual interest and depth to your wallpaper design. Some popular pattern options include:

  • Stripes: Create a sense of height or width, depending on orientation
  • Florals: Add a touch of nature and femininity
  • Damasks: Introduce a classic, elegant feel
  • Geometric shapes: Provide structure and modernity

Consider the scale of the pattern in relation to your room size. The pattern scale should be proportional to the size of the room. Choose bold, oversized motifs in wide areas. Choose intricate, diminutive designs for cozy, compact spaces.

Balance Bold and Subtle Elements

Strike a balance between bold and subtle elements in your wallpaper design. If you choose a bold, vibrant color, consider pairing it with a more understated pattern. In contrast, if you select a busy, intricate pattern, opt for a muted color palette to avoid overwhelming the space.

Step 4: Pick the Right Materials


The material you choose for your wallpaper can greatly impact its durability, ease of wallpaper installation, and overall look. Understanding the various material options available will help you make an informed decision.

Types of Wallpaper Materials for Custom Wallpaper

There are several common wallpaper materials to choose from:

  • Paper: Traditional and affordable, but less durable
  • Vinyl: Durable, easy to clean, and moisture-resistant
  • Fabric: Adds texture and a luxurious feel but can be more difficult to install
  • Grasscloth: Natural, eco-friendly, and provides a unique texture

Each material has its own set of pros and cons, so consider your specific needs and preferences when making a selection.

Considerations for Durability, Cleanability, and Installation

When choosing a wallpaper material, consider the following factors:

  • Durability: Vinyl and fabric are more durable than paper and can withstand wear and tear better.
  • Cleanability: Vinyl and some fabric wallpapers are easier to clean than paper or grasscloth.
  • Installation: Paper and vinyl are generally easier to install than fabric or grasscloth.

Think about the room’s function and your lifestyle when deciding on a material. A high-traffic area like a hallway or a room prone to moisture, such as a bathroom, may require a more durable and easy-to-clean material.

Step 5: Experiment with Scale and Repeat


Scale and repeat are essential concepts in wallpaper design that can greatly impact the overall look and feel of your space. By experimenting with these elements, you can create visual interest and depth in your design.

The Concepts of Scale and Repeat

Scale refers to the size of the pattern or motif in relation to the room size. A large-scale pattern features bigger motifs, while a small-scale pattern has smaller, more intricate details.

Repeat refers to the distance between the beginning and end of a pattern before it starts over. A smaller repeat means the pattern will occur more frequently, while a larger repeat results in a more spread-out pattern.

Tips To Create Visual Interest with Varying Scales and Repeats

To create visual interest in your wallpaper design, consider the following tips:

  • Mix scales: Combine large-scale and small-scale patterns within the same design to add depth and dimension.
  • Play with repeat: Experiment with different repeat sizes to create unique layouts and visual effects.
  • Create a focal point: Use a large-scale pattern or a bold repeat on a single wall to create a focal point in the room.

Avoid These Common Mistakes in Scale and Repeat Choices

When working with scale and repeat, be mindful of the following common mistakes:

  • Overwhelming the space: Large-scale patterns can overwhelm small rooms, making them feel cluttered.
  • Underestimating the repeat: A small repeat can make a room feel busy or chaotic if not balanced with other design elements.
  • Ignoring the room’s proportions: Consider the height and width of the room when choosing scale and repeat to ensure a harmonious look.

By carefully considering the scale and repeat in your wallpaper design, you can create a visually interesting and well-balanced space that reflects your personal style.

Step 6: Incorporate Texture and Visual Effects


Texture and visual effects can add depth, dimension, and interest to your wallpaper design. By incorporating these elements, you can create a more dynamic and engaging space that feels both tactile and visually appealing.

The Role of Texture in Wallpaper Design

Texture in wallpaper design can serve several purposes:

Adding depth: Textured wallpaper can create a sense of depth, making a room feel more spacious.

Creating visual interest: Texture can add visual interest to a space, drawing the eye and providing a focal point.

Enhancing tactile appeal: Textured wallpaper can be physically engaging and invite touch and interaction.

Different Types of Textures

There are several types of textures commonly used in wallpaper design:

Embossed: Raised patterns or designs that create a three-dimensional effect

Beaded: Small, raised beads that add a tactile and visual element

Flocked: Soft, velvety fibers that create a luxurious feel

Grasscloth: Natural, woven fibers that provide an organic texture

Consider the overall style and atmosphere of your room when selecting a texture for your wallpaper design.

Create Depth and Dimension with Visual Effects

In addition to physical texture, you can create depth and dimension in your wallpaper design using visual effects:

Metallics: Metallic accents can add shine and reflect light, creating a sense of depth

Sheens: Glossy or satin finishes can provide a subtle visual texture

Ombré: Gradual color transitions can create a sense of movement and depth

Trompe l’oeil: Realistic, three-dimensional illusions can add visual interest and depth

Experiment with different visual effects to enhance your wallpaper design and create a more immersive experience.

Step 7: Consider Customization Options


While countless pre-designed wallpaper options are available from a wallpaper maker, customizing your wallpaper can allow you to create a truly unique and personalized design that perfectly suits your space and style.

Benefits of Custom-Designed Wallpaper

Custom-designed wallpaper offers several benefits:

Unique design: A custom design ensures that your wallpaper is one-of-a-kind and tailored to your specific preferences.

Perfect fit: Custom wallpaper can fit the exact dimensions of your room, eliminating the need for awkward cuts or seams.

Personal touch: Incorporate your own photos, personal artwork, or graphics into your wallpaper design to add a special, meaningful element to your space.

Work with Designers or Online Tools

To create a custom wallpaper design, you have two main options:

  1. Work with a designer: Collaborate with a professional designer who can help bring your vision to life and ensure a high-quality, cohesive design.
  2. Use online tools: Many websites offer user-friendly tools that allow you to create your own wallpaper design by uploading images, patterns, or graphics, like Canva or Adobe Photoshop.

Consider your budget, design skills, and desired level of involvement when deciding between working with a designer or using online tools.

Incorporate Personal Artwork, Photos, or Graphics

One of the most appealing aspects of custom wallpaper is the ability to incorporate personal elements into the design. Consider the following options:


Use your own paintings, drawings, or digital art to create a unique, artistic wallpaper.


Transform personal photos into a wallpaper design for a sentimental and intimate touch.


Incorporate personal logos, monograms, or other graphics into your wallpaper design for a branded or personalized look.

When incorporating personal elements, ensure that the resolution and quality of the images are suitable for wallpaper printing at the desired scale.

Step 8: Prepare for Installation


Before your wallpaper design can come to life on your walls, it’s essential to properly prepare for installation. This includes measuring your walls, ordering the correct amount of wallpaper, and gathering the necessary tools and supplies.

Measure Your Walls Accurately

Accurate wall measurements are imperative for ordering the right amount of wallpaper and ensuring a smooth installation process. To measure your walls:

  1. Use a measuring tape to determine the height and width of each wall.
  2. Add a few inches to each measurement to account for trimming and potential mistakes.
  3. Calculate the total square footage by multiplying the height by the width of each wall and adding the results together.

Order the Correct Amount of Wallpaper

When ordering wallpaper, it’s essential to order enough to cover your walls and account for any potential mistakes or pattern matching. Consider the following factors:

Roll size: Wallpaper is typically sold in rolls of varying sizes. Ensure that you order enough rolls to cover your total square footage.

Pattern repeat: If your wallpaper has a large pattern repeat, you may need to order extra to ensure proper pattern matching.

Overage: Order an extra 10-15% of wallpaper to account for trimming, mistakes, and future repairs.

Gather Necessary Tools and Supplies

Before beginning the installation process, gather the following tools and supplies:

  • Wallpaper paste or adhesive
  • Smoothing tool or wallpaper brush
  • Straight edge or ruler
  • Utility knife or scissors
  • Level
  • Sponge and clean cloths

Having all the necessary tools and supplies on hand will make the installation process more efficient and stress-free.


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Hire a Professional Installer vs. DIY Installation

When it comes to installing your wallpaper, you have two options:

Hire a professional installer

A professional installer has the experience and expertise to ensure a flawless installation and can handle any challenges that may arise.

DIY installation

If you’re confident in your DIY skills, installing wallpaper yourself can be a rewarding and cost-effective option. However, be prepared to take your time and follow instructions carefully.

Consider your budget, skill level, and the complexity of your wallpaper design when you decide between hiring a professional or tackling the installation yourself.

In Summary

By designing wallpaper for your home walls, you can express your personal style, enhance your space’s atmosphere, and create a truly unique space. Assess your space and style preferences, choose a theme or concept, select colors and patterns, and pick the right materials. Also, experiment with scale and repeat, incorporate texture and visual effects, and consider customization options. You can create the perfect wallpaper design that perfectly complements your home.

Take accurate measurements, order the correct amount of wallpaper, and gather all necessary tools and supplies before installing. Whether you choose to hire a professional installer or take on the project yourself, well-designed and properly installed wallpaper can transform your space and provide years of delight.

Trust Applied Coverings for Your Wallpaper Installation in San Jose, CA

Trust the experts at Applied Coverings to achieve the perfect wallpaper look in your home. Our professional team is dedicated to providing top-quality wallpaper products and wallpaper installation in San Jose, CA, allowing you to create the space of your dreams.

We offer various wallpaper styles and designs to suit any taste or budget, from classic elegance to modern sophistication. Our skilled wallpaper installers ensure that your wallpaper is applied flawlessly, minimizing the risk of peeling, bubbling, or other imperfections.

custom wallpaper san jose ca

Frequently Asked Questions About Designing Wallpaper

How do I choose the right color scheme for my wallpaper design?

Consider the existing colors in your room, the desired atmosphere, and color psychology principles. Choose colors that complement your theme and evoke the desired mood in the space.

Can I use different wallpaper designs in the same room?

Yes, you can use different wallpaper designs in the same room. However, ensure that the designs complement each other in terms of color, pattern, and style to create a cohesive look.

How do I determine the right scale of pattern for my room?

The right scale of the pattern depends on the size of your room. Big patterns will look good in big rooms. Small patterns look better in small rooms. Consider the room’s proportions and the desired visual impact when selecting the pattern scale.

What are the most durable wallpaper materials?

Vinyl and fabric wallpapers are generally more durable than paper or grasscloth. They are better suited for high-traffic areas or rooms exposed to moisture, such as bathrooms or kitchens.

Can I install wallpaper myself, or should I hire a professional?

Whether to install wallpaper yourself or hire a professional depends on your DIY skills, budget, and the complexity of your wallpaper design. If you’re confident in your abilities and have the time and patience, DIY installation can be a cost-effective wallpaper option. However, if you have a complex design or are unsure about the process, hiring a professional installer can ensure a flawless result.

How much wallpaper should I order for my room?

To determine the amount of wallpaper needed, measure the height and width of each wall, calculate the total square footage, and add a few inches to each measurement to account for trimming and potential mistakes. Order an extra 10-15% of wallpaper to ensure you have enough for pattern matching and future repairs.

Can I use my own artwork or photos in my wallpaper design?

Yes, you can incorporate your own artwork, photos, or graphics into your custom wallpaper design. Ensure that the resolution and quality of the images are suitable for printing at the desired scale.

How can I create a seamless look with my wallpaper?

To create a seamless look, ensure proper pattern matching during installation. Align the patterns carefully at the seams and use a smoothing tool or wallpaper brush to eliminate any air bubbles or wrinkles.

What should I do if I make a mistake during wallpaper installation?

If you make a mistake during installation, carefully remove the misaligned or damaged section of wallpaper. Cut a new piece of wallpaper, ensuring proper pattern matching, and apply it to the wall. Use a smoothing tool to blend the seams and remove any air bubbles.

How do I care for and maintain my wallpaper?

Regular maintenance of your wallpaper involves dusting with a soft, dry cloth or vacuum with a soft brush attachment. For washable wallpapers, gently clean with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbing too harshly, as this can damage the wallpaper surface. Address any stains or damage promptly to prevent further deterioration.

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